We are changed. We look different, and we act different. The things we listen to and read and say are different, and what we wear is different because we become daughters of God bound to Him by covenant."
—Carole M. Stephens
I always wonder how I can be better as a Mother, as a Wife and a friend. I *could* pay money and go somewhere to get “perspective'” on how I can relate to my children and be “PRESENT” in their lives. I could. OR I can use my General Conference Talks as my reference point. My scriptures as my Guide. My RS Lessons as my compass. I love the fact that although we always seem to be seeking for something “more” in life, Heavenly Father has already organized things for us so that we don’t have to spend money on things that are not necessary or important.
I think if I make an effort to allow General Conference to be my Spiritual Retreat for myself AND for my Family I will be much happier. These talks are all SUPER STUPENDOUSLY AMAZING!! I mean, “We are Daughters of Our Heavenly Father” reaffirms my own personal divinity and encourages me to “return to Virtue”. “For Peace at Home” teaches me principles that will help my family grow closer together and to be happy. “The Hope of God’s Light” gives me encouragement so that when I am feeling down or sad or burdened by the weight of my circumstances I can feel renewed in the Love of my Heavenly Father and focus on what is truly important. “Lord I Believe” helps me by giving me tools to increase my faith and to recognize the power of the faith that I already have. “Marriage: Watch & Learn” gives me specific ways I can strengthen my marriage and my relationships with others. “Obedience Brings Blessings” is devoted to helping me understand the importance of being obedient to my Heavenly Father.
For instance, April 2013 General Conference the talks:
Welcome to Conference Thomas S. Monson
These Things I Know Boyd K. Packer
A Sure Foundation Dean M. Davies
We Are Daughters of Our Heavenly FatherElaine S. Dalton
The Savior Wants to Forgive Craig A. Cardon
“This Is My Work and Glory” M. Russell Ballard
“Come unto Me” Henry B. Eyring
For Peace at Home Richard G. Scott
Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness Quentin L. Cook
The Lord’s Way Stanley G. Ellis
The Gospel to All the World John B. Dickson
We Believe in Being Chaste David A. Bednar
Catch the Wave Russell M. Nelson
Stand Strong in Holy Places Robert D. Hales
The Power of the Priesthood in the Boy Tad R. Callister
Your Sacred Duty to Minister David L. Beck
Four Titles Dieter F. Uchtdorf
We Are One Henry B. Eyring
Come, All Ye Sons of God Thomas S. Monson
The Hope of God’s Light Dieter F. Uchtdorf
It’s a Miracle Neil L. Andersen
The Words We Speak Rosemary M. Wixom
Marriage: Watch and Learn L. Whitney Clayton
Obedience to Law Is Liberty L. Tom Perry
Obedience Brings Blessings Thomas S. Monson
“Lord, I Believe” Jeffrey R. Holland
Followers of Christ Dallin H. Oaks
The Father and the Son Christoffel Golden Jr.
The Home: The School of Life Enrique R. Falabella
Being Accepted of the Lord Erich W. Kopischke
Beautiful Mornings Bruce D. Porter
Redemption D. Todd Christofferson
Until We Meet Again Thomas S. Monson
Your Holy Places Ann M. Dibb
When You Save a Girl, You Save Generations Mary N. Cook
Be Not Moved! Elaine S. Dalton
Another great “Retreat” is attending the Temple OFTEN. What an incredible way to remind ourselves of what is important and what our Eternal Goals are and should be and how we can realign ourselves to the path Heavenly Father asks of us.
Do I need to spend money on ANYTHING to buoy up my Spirit? No, the scriptures themselves are full of enlightenment and knowledge that I need to be the best person, daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, grandmother, visiting teacher –> that I can possibly be.
Do I really need to pay someone to tell me how to be “PRESENT” and “ENGAGED” with my children and family? No, these things come naturally as I strive to do what’s right. There is no counsel more important than that of the Prophets and Apostles that speak to us.
General Conference has just passed. I don’t believe there was one talk that didn’t touch me. I loved them all. I have already watched some of them a second time. I love Conference and the feelings that it brings into my life and the life of my family. It isn’t too early to start planning my General Conference Retreat for April 2014!! Only 6 more months to go!!! :)
Make it a great one!!
About Tammy: Daughter, Sister, Wife, Homeschooling Mother of 7 (ages: G13, G12, B10, G7, B6, B3, G2). Stepmom of 2. Mother in law to two, Grandma to Peyton, Mattix and Andrew. Writer at BellaOnline. Blogger at Latter-Day Homeschool and JuddzWorld!! Happy & Satisfied!!