Tuesday, May 30, 2017

TIp Tuesday: Cleaning and Organizing Clothing for Storage

Getting your closets cleaned up and out is the best thing to do in between seasons. You can move winter things into storage for Spring/Summer or you can move Spring/Summer things into storage for Fall/Winter.

Some things to keep in mind: 
1) Keep boxes, bags, etc. all labeled
      Whether you want to label by size, color, season or whatever you choose - it needs to be labeled. Otherwise it will stay in storage and you will be guessing what is in the box/bag.

2) Keep like things grouped together
      You can choose how to group them - this one goes along with the previous one. However you choose to group things. You can group your entire families seasonal clothing together - if your family is small enough. OR you can separate by size or color, etc.

3) Make sure things are clean when you box them.
      Nothing is worse than pulling out things and needing to launder them before you can put them to use. You will always need to air them out and perhaps iron but you should need to launder them if you put them away clean.

4) Make sure to add some baking soda (in a mesh bag) to the box or bag of clothes.
      NEVER STORE CLOTHING IN PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS! These are too smelly when the clothes come out. Especially if they are closed up for long periods of time or stored outside.

5) The neater you fold and place your clothing into the container the neater it will come out.
      Find the best and easiest way to fold your laundry so that it fits better and comes out more neatly after sitting in storage.

Some things to remember when REMOVING clothing from storage:

1) Give the clothing time to air out.
      Hang them up so they can completely air out. You could even hang them on an outside clothesline. Once they have aired out for a day or two, you can decide if it needs ironing or a quick tumble in the dryer.

2) Take a second look at what you stored.
      You might find that it isn't what you want any longer or it won't fit or it won't work any longer for whatever reason.

3) Make sure you get it put away correctly as soon as possible.
      Don't waste space with things you no longer have use for. (see #2 above)

Taking time to clear out closets of clothing that you don't need during the current season, frees up space as well as neatens up everything up!

Good luck!

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!

Tip Tuesday: RePurposing the Rooms in Your Home

When you are merely changing spaces or trading out the actual "purpose" of a room it can help to have a list of things to keep in mind.

 #1 - Label
       Everything that you are moving out needs to be placed in properly labeled containers. This makes it soooo much easier to find its proper home in its new residence.

 #2 - Pack
        When you are packing, make sure you don't pack up trash or junk. Take the time to sort through it - sift out the stuff that you don't need or use anymore

 #3 - Furniture
        Plan out where you are placing the furniture in the room ahead of time. This alleviates the need to keep fiddling with the furniture trying to get it 'just right'. Ultimately, you will probably make a few adjustments to get it the way you really need it. However, having it mapped out ahead of time can help you see how it will look in the long run and save you some steps.

 #4 - Designate
         Make sure you have designated spots for EVERYTHING that will be living in the space. If it doesn't have a designated home then you probably don't need it anymore. From big stuff down to tiny things - it all needs a home. This is a great time to get space saving baskets, files, etc. 

 #5 - Simple
        Nothing makes a space cleaner than keeping it simple. Simple storage. Simple filing. Simple and clean. The more you purge, the easier a space is to keep clean. Your rubbish 'piles' don't get out of control.

 #6 - Organize
         This is so much more than filing and trashing. This has to do with keeping things simple (above) and also easy to locate and find. Labeling (above) is key to keeping the space organized, especially if it is an office or craft space. If its a toy room: keep bins for each type of toy or item. Every thing has a place and everything in its place.

 #7 - Clean
         Washing the walls, floorboards, tops of door frames, tops of blinds/rods, etc. will help your room be fresh. If you have time and are able, shampoo the carpets. If it is wood/laminate floor - then you can mop before bringing the furniture in and then again, if it needs it, a quick spot clean when it is all in. 

 #8 - Freshen
         An awesome air freshener (homemade) that you can spritz in ANY room is:
                  1/4 c Downy Unstoppables (your favorite scent)
                    4 tbsp Baking Soda
                    1 c HOT water
             Directions:                  In a mixing bowl, mix all ingredients. Let sit, to dissolve, for roughly 3 minutes. Stir and add immediately to a spray bottle. 
                   Unlike fresheners that use fabric softener, this will leave no residue. 

Good luck!

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tip Tuesday: Cleaning Marble Countertops

Marble counter tops can be tricky to keep clean. Never fear, I have some tips and tricks for you. Because Marble counter tops are softer than some of their counterparts, you will need to take special care in taking care of them. One of the most important rules of thumb for marble is: NO ACIDIC or VINEGAR Cleaning Products can be used. If you do use them, you risk etching the surface of your counters. This doesn't mean you need to go out and buy marble specific cleaning products. All you need is a little distilled water, blue Dawn dishwashing soap, baking soda and lots of soft cloths for wiping up and for drying the surface of your counters.

Every time water is splashed on to the surface, it needs to be wiped up right away. If you leave it there to dry in the air, it will result in unsightly spotting. The best cleaner you can use is a mild dish soap (I prefer the blue Dawn). Soap and water mixed in about a 1 tbsp to 2 cups water ratio. You will want to blot up any soda, juice, wine, broth, etc. with a paper towel immediately! Make sure you blot (press down on them and not wipe so you don't spread the stain.) You can't let liquid just sit on your counter - ever! You must get it taken care of right away. Old t-shirts that you cut down, can be used as great washcloths. Just make sure the fabric isn't an abrasive type. Marble is beautiful but it can be so hard to take care of - especially if you have children.

Distilled water is great for wiping up daily messes because it won't leave spots. However, you still will want to dry your counter top with a soft cloth. Never let your marble counter tops air dry. If you do, then your water spots could be permanent or you may have to opt for a professional to come and buff it out.

For more difficult stains you will want to use a paste of water and  baking soda. Add enough water to the baking soda (maybe start with 2 tablespoons of baking soda). You just rub the paste into the stain with your fingers or with a soft cloth. You can cover it with plastic wrap for a day (24 hours) and then rinse it away with clear water. Always dry with your favorite soft cloth.

Good luck!

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tip Tuesday:

Deep cleaning your bathroom is more that just having it company ready. It is getting it to the deepest level of clean. It's the type of clean that just makes you feel so accomplished!

First, gather your cleaning supplies. Microfiber clothes are good and so are just plain old rags. Use what you have. Don't feel obliged to go out and try every new and improved thing that hits the stores. Toilet brush and cleaner (I like the Lysol Toilet Bowl cleaner). I also like using vinegar/water mixed at an equal ratio. I LOVE using this. I find the vinegar wipes out any lingering smell (especially if you have big or little boys). If you are lucky enough to have a window you can open in your bathroom - this is a great time to open it wide! Let the fresh air in. That in itself will help inspire you to clean!

There are many ways to clean - top to bottom, side to side, etc. I like to clean like things first. I start with the floor and remove anything that needs to find its real home. I sweep but I do wait to mop/steam clean until completely finished with everything else.I do all sinks, tubs showers, counters, at the same time. I just like using the same cleaner and getting al of those jobs done - especially if I have something sit to soak. It can all sit at the same time.

You can throw all of your dirty towels, shower curtains, window curtains and bath mats into the wash. Add a cup of vinegar to the cycle and run it on the warm cycle as opposed to the hot - since your vinyl shower curtain is in there. Make sure you hang dry your shower curtain and avoid the dryer for it.

Remove all of your items from the shelves and counter tops. Wipe down. I also wipe down the light fixtures. You can set it right outside the bathroom or out of the way until you get everything clean. Then bring it back in and arrange it.

Wipe down your blinds (vinegar/water). You can use your steam cleaner on the window sills or use a toothbrush to get into the tracks and into the tiny corners and crevices.

Clean the shower and bathtub. You can use your steam cleaner or use the vinegar water mixture (with a few drops of blue Dawn Dishwashing Liquid). You can also use your Lysol toilet bowl cleaner and water in about a 2 to 3 (water) mixture. This is great stuff - just don't allow it to sit on your metal faucets and fixtures. (it can turn the color)

Clean the toilet - clean under the outside first then lift up your seat and wipe that down. (Lysol mixture or vinegar mixture or your favorite). Wipe down at the screws on the basin of the toilet and also at the base. Use your cleaner (adding some baking soda) around the outside of the toilet  and use your toothbrush or steam cleaner to get those areas clean. Set your brush between the seat and the base so that it can drip dry over your toilet bowl.

Wash the walls, floors and baseboards. The very last thing I do is mop/vacuum the area out. Then I leave and know my bathroom is in the best shape it can be in, again.

Good luck!

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Tip Tuesday: Organizational Tips for Cleaning Efficiently

If you can't find your supplies or don't know what you have on hand, it will be hard to clean efficiently. The following are some tips and guidelines to being more organized so you can clean more efficiently.

 Tip #1:
  Keep a list of the cleaning supplies you have on hand. If you prefer to make your own - keep a separate list with the recipes and what you have on hand to be able to make your cleaning recipes. This can ultimately save you time and money.

 Tip #2: 
  Place a shower curtain rod in your bathroom/kitchen under sink cupboards. This will give you room to "hang" your cleaning bottles up and keep them off the floor of your cupboard. You can also use tension rods in your kitchen cupboards to make "dividers" for platters, plates, pans, lids, etc.

 Tip #3: 
  Use a magnetic strip in your kitchen for knives and in the bathroom for bobby pins, tweezers, nail clippers, etc.

 Tip #4:
  Store your boxes (like foil, saran wrap, wax paper, parchment paper, baggies, etc.) in magazine holders. Then store in your cupboard or drawer.

 Tip #5:
  Use a hanging magazine rack to store your lids to pots and pans. (Genius!)

 Tip #6:
  In your fridge, use wire shelves and/or lazy susans. Use bins to store like items - use various sizes: large ones can hold fruits, smaller ones can group "sandwich making" items together or "sauce making" etc.

 Tip #7:
  In your closets: hang all of your hangers backwards. As you wear clothes hang them in correctly. At the end of the season (or year) whatever hangers are still hanging backwards you know you can donate that item of clothing because you know you haven't worn it.

 Tip #8:
  Store your boots with pants hangers in your closet. You can also make "shoe storage" for your walls using crown molding.

 Tip #9: 
  Store your matching sheet sets inside the matching pillowcases. Stores so flat and looks pretty sitting on the shelf.

Tip #10:
  Put a shelf over your bathroom door for things that you don't need regular access to. 

Whatever organizational needs you are looking for - I hope you found something here to help you.

Good luck!

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Tip Tuesday: Cleaning Hacks for your Bathroom

Here are some cleaning tricks to help you get your bathroom clean and also to help you maintain that level of clean that you wish for.

In the Bathroom:

-- Spray the inside of the shower tracks with your preferred multipurpose cleaning solution. Use a toothbrush that you have covered with your cleaning rag and wipe it all down. If you need to clean more you can cut off fairly small parts of your Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and use your toothbrush to get it into the edges and crevices that need cleaning. 
-- You can also use your toothbrushes to clean other small and not easy to get to places like the tops and bottoms of baseboards, heater/ac vents and the fan covers in the ceiling.
-- Dental floss is a great tool to get the nasties out of tricky spaces like faucets and toilet handles. 
-- For an overnight solution to cleaning your shower head: pour white vinegar into a storage bag - enough that you can fully immerse your shower head into it. Tie it off and allow it to soak completely overnight OR all day while you work. All you will need to do is rinse it off. IF you have some harder to clean areas then you can use your old toothbrush and scrub away.
-- Toilet cleaning can be easily done by using a mixture of 1 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup peroxide, and a 1/2 cup of white vinegar in to the toilet bowl. Add your brush and let it all sit there for several hours. Not only are you cleaning your brush but your toilet will wipe down easily. This can be done over night or during the day. Just make sure you don't allow someone to use it. 
-- Add a 1/2 cup of pine-sol or your favorite deep cleaner into your Toilet bowl brush holder (make sure animals and children can't get to it). This will keep your brush fresh and will discourage germs and things to grow there.
-- Refresh plastic shower curtains and liners by placing them in the washing machine with a few old towels, which act as scrubbers to help get rid of soap scum and mildew. Wash on warm with a normal amount of detergent. Rehang to dry.
-- Use 1 part isopropyl alcohol, 1 part white vinegar and 2 parts distilled water. I add in a drop or two of blue Dawn. This works fantastic for a streak free window/mirror cleaner.
-- A loofah sponge will clean away soap scum and bathtub rings with your favorite soft cleaner. 
-- To clear scum and residue out of your drains: spoon a cup of baking soda into the drain (go as far down as you can) then pour a cup of white vinegar and let it fizz for 5-10 minutes. Pour a half gallon of boiling water over the top to rinse.

Good luck!

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!