Here are some ideas to help get you in gear for some Fun in the Cold:
1) It is an excellent time to get your outdoor grill cleaned up, maintained and propane filled and charcoal built back up. Really spend time getting the grates all clean and making sure all of the hoses are in good working order
2) Sometimes our living spaces can feel 'stuffy' in the winter. A great thing to clean are any fabric drapes and blinds. Even if you take them outside and give them a good beating with a broom, you will be amazed at what a difference it will make.
3) If you are able to 'fumigate' well, you can do touch up painting around your space. If you can't open windows, then you better wait until Spring.
4) Cleaning out all of your air ducts and vents. Changing out your filters and washing down the vents is vital to keeping your a/c and heater in great working order. It is also a great time to get your a/c a check up by a professional so it is in proper working order when you need it most.
5) Going through closets - this is a great time of year to go through your closets and remove unwearable clothing - donate it or make needed repairs. It is also a great time to go through your children's toy boxes and get rid of broken and unused toys. Organize as you go!
6) Get your winter accessories cleaned up - scarves, gloves, coats and sweaters all need some TLC. Whether you opt to clean them your self or take them to a professional - it is totally up to you! Some good saddle soap will work miracles on the exterior of leather goods. Using Woolite or other gentle laundry soap can do wonders for the interior of gloves, etc. Make sure you read labels and follow the manufacturers advice. Before the winter season is over, take time to clean up all of your winter items, including your boots!
7) Cleaning out the inside of your dryer lint. This is something that can be very important in preventing fires!
8) Carpet cleaning - winter is a great time to do the carpets, especially after the Holidays and guests leave!
9) Laundering all of the comforters, pillows and storage blankets.
No matter what you decide works best for you - remember that some good old fashioned Winter Cleaning might be just what you home (& wardrobe) ordered!
BellaOnline Cleaning
Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!