These are things that should or could be done daily - depending on your life situation. Make your bed; start a load (or 2) of laundry; clear your dishwasher; fix meals; Tidy living room, bedrooms, bathrooms and empty trash.
These are things that you can designate to a certain day of the week EACH week. Wash Sunday Clothes; pay bills; do paperwork; catch up on emails; catch up on blog posts; balance weekly budget; vacuum carpeted areas and sweep non carpeted areas (maybe 2x's a week or more - depending on your household. We have a large family and really our family room gets vacuumed at the least ONE time a day but usually twice; Wash bath and kitchen towels; deep clean bathrooms; deep clean kitchen; plan weekly menu's; prepare your grocery list; Wash sheets - you designate who's sheets on which day of the week - so there is never a question; grocery shopping (we get paid on Fridays so we do our grocery shopping on Fridays); Banking errands; Driving around errands - if you can designate one day that you are going to fulfill all errands it will save you time and energy in the long run; Dust - have different rooms get dusted on different days; mending/fixing day; Washing sleep wear; wash cars; mow lawns; sweep/clean outside living spaces and walkways; clean children's rooms; write letters.
These can include thing like washing interior windows; organizing living spaces (designate which space gets the 'treatment' each month; dusting ceiling fans; wiping down minds and cleaning window treatments; clearing off the Office Desk; Filing papers into your permanent file; Setting up dr's appointments etc.; Clean vehicles inside and out; dust kitchen cupboard doors; file papers, articles and clippigns; write in baby books; write letters/emails; balance bank statements; take a day off :); Prepare next months budget; add your cleaning jobs to your calendar for next month.
Organize children's toys; clean mirrors; clean shower door/curtain; check vehicles oil/tire pressure/battery; clean piano keys; check and or change furnace filters; & you may find that you have others that fit your family needs.
Make it a great one!
*** Some of the information is from Marie Ricks - Housecleaning Plan - She just lays it out so logically. While some of the strategies are mine alone - the bulk of the 'plan' is hers. I changed it around to fit my family's needs - as you can do for your family! ***
BellaOnline Cleaning
Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!