Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tip Tuesday: Cleaning Schedules - Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly

Ever wondered how you could break up the chores that NEED to be done in and around your home but you weren't quite sure how to do it? This article is going to do just that. We will approach it in this way: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Yearly, and Yearly. Easy Peasy!


These are things that should or could be done daily - depending on your life situation. Make your bed; start a load (or 2) of laundry; clear your dishwasher; fix meals; Tidy living room, bedrooms, bathrooms and empty trash.


These are things that you can designate to a certain day of the week EACH week. Wash Sunday Clothes; pay bills; do paperwork; catch up on emails; catch up on blog posts; balance weekly budget; vacuum carpeted areas and sweep non carpeted areas (maybe 2x's a week or more - depending on your household. We have a large family and really our family room gets vacuumed at the least ONE time a day but usually twice; Wash bath and kitchen towels; deep clean bathrooms; deep clean kitchen; plan weekly menu's; prepare your grocery list; Wash sheets - you designate who's sheets on which day of the week - so there is never a question; grocery shopping (we get paid on Fridays so we do our grocery shopping on Fridays); Banking errands; Driving around errands - if you can designate one day that you are going to fulfill all errands it will save you time and energy in the long run; Dust - have different rooms get dusted on different days; mending/fixing day; Washing sleep wear; wash cars; mow lawns; sweep/clean outside  living spaces and walkways; clean children's rooms; write letters.


These can include thing like washing interior windows; organizing living spaces (designate which space gets the 'treatment' each month; dusting ceiling fans; wiping down minds and cleaning window treatments; clearing off the Office Desk; Filing papers into your permanent file; Setting up dr's appointments etc.; Clean vehicles inside and out; dust kitchen cupboard doors; file papers, articles and clippigns; write in baby books; write letters/emails; balance bank statements; take a day off :); Prepare next months budget; add your cleaning jobs to your calendar for next month.


Organize children's toys; clean mirrors; clean shower door/curtain; check vehicles oil/tire pressure/battery; clean piano keys; check and or change furnace filters; & you may find that you have others that fit your family needs.

Make it a great one!

*** Some of the information is from Marie Ricks - Housecleaning Plan - She just lays it out so logically. While some of the strategies are mine alone - the bulk of the 'plan' is hers. I changed it around to fit my family's needs - as you can do for your family! *** 

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!