Dishwasher Detergent:
If for some reason you don't have vinegar or baking soda on hand, but you DO have a dishwasher and the detergent for it - try adding 1/4 cup of dishwasher detergent along with your regular detergent. This is a great whitener!
Hydrogen Peroxide, White Vinegar or Baking Soda:
First you will want to set your machine on the hottest temperature that your fabrics allow. Add in the normal amount of laundry detergent for your load size. Just pour 1/2 cup to 1 cup of white vinegar, peroxide or baking soda to the water as it is filling up. Pre-treat stained white clothing before washing by spraying them with vinegar. LOVE THIS!
Lemon Juice Soak:
You will want to fill a large soup pot with water. Slice up one lemon and place the slices into the water. Bring the water and lemon slices to a boil and then remove the pot from the heat. Add the clothing you want whitening, allowing them to soak for at least an hour. Then wash as you normally would.
You can also try adding 1/4-1/2 cup of lemon juice to your washer along with your laundry soap as an alternative. Remember to get the water on the highest heat level that you can for the fabric you are washing.
More Traditional:
1. 1/2 cup of ammonia into the washer with your regular detergent
2. Mix a tsp of bluing agent with 1 quart of water and the mixture to your wash water or final rinse.
3. Pour 3/4 cup bleach in the wash cycle BEFORE adding laundry - NEVER put bleach directly on your clothing.
4. Wash whites regularly and in COLD water
5. Do not mix bluing agents and bleach
Hanging your clothes outside will also be a natural way to brighten them. The sun is a natural brightener of white clothes!
BellaOnline Cleaning
Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!