#1: As soon as you finish using something - put it away, correctly. The MOST important tip!!
#2: Put clothes away, don't lay them down randomly. Put in laundry bin or hang up. This makes "pick up" easier because you won't have to pick up clothes!
#3: As soon as you finish an working in the kitchen, clean that area up. (If you use the cutting board/counter: wipe it down, if you use the stove, wipe it down as soon as you are done).
#4: Don't own extra's of ANYTHING. This will elliminate clutter and you will save space and money too!
#5: Keeping all of your mail, bills, papers, etc. organized. Have a place for everything. Bills, coupons, mailers. As soon as you pay a bill - file it. As soon as the week is over for coupon/mailers, throw it out. Having a filing system will greatly help your paper problem!
#6: Only use your bed (& dare I say, Bedroom) for sleeping. Not for storage.
#7: Make your bed, daily. This makes your room look 1000 times cleaner.
#8: Get rid of extra blankets and pillows - only have what you need.
#9: Always hang up coats and put away shoes.
#10: Clean the dishes (place in dishwasher or wash) as soon as you use them. Clean up the kitchen after EVERY meal/snack.
#11: Dust regularly. Depending on your pet and dust situation you can probably get away with dusting once a week. If your area is a farm area or rural then you might need to do it more if the dust accumulates faster.
#12: Vacuum regularly. We vacuum twice a day. There are 10 of us in the home - trust me it needs it. You may only need to do it once a day or even every other day if you don't have pets. If you vacuum regularly your home will look cleaner.
#13: Keep Windows washed - inside and out monthly (or more as needed). This gives the appearance of your home clarity - inside and out!
#14: Don't let trash sit over night. This lets old food odors linger. By removing your trash every evening you are allowing your house to regenerate freshness!
#15: No matter your living arrangements it is important to respect the ones you live with. By keeping a clean home you are showing respect to all that live there.With everyone pitching in and everyone doing their part, they are showing respect to each other. This is key!
Good luck!
BellaOnline Cleaning
Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!