Wednesday, August 31, 2016

September Odd Holidays

Honey Month
2nd Sunday - National Pet Memorial Day
3rd Sunday - POW/MIA Recognition Day

5th - Cheese Pizza Day
9th - Teddy Bear Day
12th - Chocolate Milkshake Day
18th - National Cheeseburger Day
19th - International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Make it a great one!

 Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tip Tuesday: My Daily Cleaning Habit

If you start at one ‘end’ of your house you can have a tidy home in less than an hour. The biggest issue is finding a way to organize the things that tend to pile up: mail, shoes, toys, paper. This is how our family does it: we have buckets (one for the parents and one for the kiddies) for all shoes; mail stays on the computer desk and we go through it daily; toys are picked up by children about 10x’s daily (seriously); papers have to find a home asap (trash, filed, etc).

If you have lots of items as you are cleaning that are gathered up, then I would suggest giving everyone a time limit of, say 10 minutes to get the things out of the hamper and put away. Whatever is leftover is thrown out/given away. You can also do a ‘earn’ back – but that required space to store the stuff and with 9 people in my family I don’t have room to store things indefinitely.

I don’t believe Mom should have to do all the Housework. I believe the children need to be responsible and learn more responsibility for themselves. My goal is to have intelligent, self-starting, motivated adults and they will only become so as they learn to do and be responsible. Which also means I have to let go and let them. :)

I have sweeping and vacuuming assigned to a child DAILY. In fact, every time the kitchen is used it is swept - okay, I wish! It is my goal that this will be so. It would be unmanageable if we did it one time a day!! Vacuuming: we vacuum the family at least once a day, however, there are days that it is vacuumed about 3-5 times. This is the room we use the most, attached to the kitchen (although we don’t allow eating in the family room) and gets the most wear and tear throughout the day.  Other rooms/stairs are vacuumed once a week (more often, as needed). I mop at least once a week and spot mop daily, as needed.

Once a week we glass clean the entire house – but on different days. The bathroom is tidied daily and deep cleaned once a week (more if needed). Every morning the toilets are scrubbed (rim, toilet, seat, inside).  Wipe down the counters and faucet. Anything that needs to be put away is put away.It is a good idea to keep a bottle of your daily shower/tub cleaner next to the shower/tub so that every time it is used it can be sprayed down. This will greatly diminish the Deep Clean time that you have to spend on the bathroom. Make sure there is toilet paper and hand towels out for guests, at all times. Using the counter rag, wipe down the outside of the toilet and the floor around it. Then you only need to mop once a week. Make sure floor boards are wiped down and you are good to go!

My children are responsible for their own rooms. They are SUPPOSED to pick it up in the morning and once before bed.  One time a week they are supposed to DEEP CLEAN it. Does it always look clean – heck no! Are we trying to get them to be more responsible in that area? YES!

Here are some tips for having Tidying be quick and only a 5-10 minute job – daily. Make the bed – if the bed is made, the room looks cleaner and feels cleaner. Pick up and put away any clothes that are not where they are supposed to be and put dirty clothes in the hamper. Use a dusting tool (damp cloth, duster, etc) to dust all of the surfaces (including headboard and foot board and side rails if they can be seen). That’s it! DONE!

Our kitchen is cleaned after every meal. Once a week we move all the things on the counter and clean behind them. We run probably 3-5 loads of dishes daily. Stove is wiped down after every meal. I use a knife and clean between the stove and the counter at least once a week. If you keep your sink empty and shiny and your counters clutter free then your kitchen will look and feel clean.

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tip Tuesday: Daily Chore Schedule

Here is a fun Daily Cleaning Schedule for the whole week. You can easily adapt it for the whole family and for different rooms in your home. I like having assigned daily tasks to accomplish. I like to add them to my phone and then be flexible on busy, filled-up days.

Make our beds
Wipe down bathroom, swish the toilet (I have the bathrooms assigned to children - I do the Master)
Clean one room, including vacuuming and dusting - (loft, library, family room, living room, craft room, entertainment room, stairs, etc.)
Do at least one load of laundry - including folding and putting away(We have 9 people in our family - we do 2 loads a day - more on the weekend)
Clean kitchen after every meal - (counters, floor, table, chairs)

Make our beds
Wipe down bathrooms, swish the toilet.
Clean one room - including vacuuming (see list above)
Do at least one load of laundry - fold and put away
Clean kitchen after every meal/snack - clean microwave - inside and out

Make our beds
Wipe down bathroom, swish toilet
Clean one room - including vacuuming (see list above)
Do at least one load of laundry - fold and put away
Clean kitchen after every meal/snack - wash down fronts of appliances

Make our beds
Wipe down bathrooms, swish the toilet.
Clean one room - including vacuuming (see list above)
Do at least one load of laundry - fold and put away
Clean kitchen after every meal/snack - mop the floor

Make our beds  - straighten rooms - vacuum
Wipe down bathrooms, swish the toilet.
Clean one room - including vacuuming (see list above)
Do at least one load of laundry - fold and put away
Clean kitchen after every meal/snack -
Vacuum living room/family room

Wash Sheets - then make our beds - Dust bedroom
Wipe down bathrooms, swish the toilet.
Clean one room - including vacuuming (see list above)
Do at least one load of laundry until completely finished - fold and put away
Clean kitchen after every meal/snack - Clean out refrigerator/freezer.
Organize Meal Plan for the following Week

This schedule works for us - most days. Like I have said before - schedules are only good if you don't have any plans. So be flexible and work things in around the things that you have planned. Time the children and yourself or put on some music and dance through it! However you choose to train your children - make it fun for them and you will have fun as well!

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tip Tuesday: Cleaning the Toilet

Who hasn't had trouble keeping their toilets clean, especially if you have children? Over the years I have used several things and there are some that I would promote and some that I would discourage.

The best solution for your toilet is to keep it from getting 'gunky' in the first place. This isn't always easy, especially if you are training your children to clean and be responsible. Which is where we are at our house. Unfortunately, their level of 'clean' isn't necessarily my level of clean. Honestly, that is okay, as long as there is a remedy. By no means, a quick fix, but definitely fixable.

First I would recommend turning the water valve off by your toilet. Next, flush it so that all of the water drains out. This is a good time to decide which direction you would like to go. I like to try regular household vinegar (a gallon or two depending on the size of your tank). Let it sit overnight so that the acidity in the vinegar can react with the breaking up of the calcium ring. It is amazing!! Hopefully when you get it all scrubbed out it will have removed all of it. If not, it definitely makes what's left softer than it started out being!

CLR is another option (or a product like it). This one needs to have the air vent on as it is highly stinky, but it will definitely do the trick. The only setback with this product is that it is too expensive to fill an entire bowl full of it to let it soak. What you end up having to do is putting it on the ring and letting it soak in and then add more, until you feel like it is ready to clean. This is a try as you go method and can get frustrating. There is the chance that it won't remove all of the ring, either.

What is left, you might ask. Well, sandpaper is great for scrubbing but not being so abrasive as to leave scratches on the porcelain. A pumice stone is a tried and true method, as well. These will definitely get the rest of the stubborn ring off.

The most important part of cleaning a toilet is keeping it from getting nasty in the first place. Everyday take some time to swish the bowl - getting all of the spots that are 'tricky' and prone to getting build-up on. Once a month you need to do heavier duty cleaning with your cleaner of choice. This will keep it from getting that embarrassing ring and scum build-up that makes you cringe when your friends and family use your restroom.

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Tip Tuesday: Back to School Cleaning

When the warm, sun-filled days of summer draw to a close and the children are heading back to school, it can be a bit daunting to get the house back under control. The following article has some tips to tackle what needs to be done anyway, why not do it now?

Right before (&/or after) each Season change it is good to step back and see what needs to be changed, added, deleted, etc. This stands true for wardrobes, cleaning habits, habits in general and goals. Back to school time is the PERFECT time to tackle some needed jobs.

The most notable item is to go through everyone's closets/drawers and get rid of items that are too small, too big, never-gonna-wear-despite-your-best-efforts, and things that won't be wearable for the upcoming season. This is the one that takes the most effort. Make sure that you save clothes you want to save - or if you are running of space (as we do with 7 growing children at home) donate what you don't need to a reputable charity or drop off box. Just keep in mind that a Not-For-Profit entity is much more worthy of your offerings, as opposed to donating to someone that will 'profit' from it. Some great ones in our area are: GoodWill, Deseret Industries, Salvation Army, etc. These places sell your clothes but they do it at a very reduced price AND help train, employ and give confidence to people that might not have that opportunity. Unfortunately, we have found as we donate items that some of the handy drop off boxes near grocery stores, strip malls and restaurants are FOR PROFIT and we haven't been comfortable with that. 

The next thing on your list will be to get into each room and get the windows vacuumed out - blinds, sills, tracks, etc. If you have drapes, this is the perfect time to get them washed/dry or steam cleaned. If you can do this at least quarterly, you will cut down on the dust particles that so rapidly multiply.

This is also a great time to get rid of toys that aren't played with or wanted or needed or out grown. This is something that if you don't stay on top of - it can easily take over your entire house, especially with a large family!!

Adding in some baskets to hold small items, a desk for school work and good lighting - your children's spaces will be much more enjoyable for them AND for you!

BellaOnline Cleaning

Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!