Right before (&/or after) each Season change it is good to step back and see what needs to be changed, added, deleted, etc. This stands true for wardrobes, cleaning habits, habits in general and goals. Back to school time is the PERFECT time to tackle some needed jobs.
The most notable item is to go through everyone's closets/drawers and get rid of items that are too small, too big, never-gonna-wear-despite-your-best-efforts, and things that won't be wearable for the upcoming season. This is the one that takes the most effort. Make sure that you save clothes you want to save - or if you are running of space (as we do with 7 growing children at home) donate what you don't need to a reputable charity or drop off box. Just keep in mind that a Not-For-Profit entity is much more worthy of your offerings, as opposed to donating to someone that will 'profit' from it. Some great ones in our area are: GoodWill, Deseret Industries, Salvation Army, etc. These places sell your clothes but they do it at a very reduced price AND help train, employ and give confidence to people that might not have that opportunity. Unfortunately, we have found as we donate items that some of the handy drop off boxes near grocery stores, strip malls and restaurants are FOR PROFIT and we haven't been comfortable with that.
The next thing on your list will be to get into each room and get the windows vacuumed out - blinds, sills, tracks, etc. If you have drapes, this is the perfect time to get them washed/dry or steam cleaned. If you can do this at least quarterly, you will cut down on the dust particles that so rapidly multiply.
This is also a great time to get rid of toys that aren't played with or wanted or needed or out grown. This is something that if you don't stay on top of - it can easily take over your entire house, especially with a large family!!
Adding in some baskets to hold small items, a desk for school work and good lighting - your children's spaces will be much more enjoyable for them AND for you!
BellaOnline Cleaning
Make it a great one!

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife - in our 18th year of wedded bliss, Stepmother to 2 adult children, Mother - (G16, G15, B12, G10, B9, B5, G4, & B1), StepMother-In-Law to 2, StepGrandmother to 4 precociously precious little boys! Blessed, Happy & Satisfied!